Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sprinting Towards the Goal

I stand,
Perplexed by your continuous calling of my name. 
Refusing to let go as I hide behind my anger and shame
I have grown tired of walking the path of my choosing
And it was only your voice during this time that was so soothing
I grew to resent the path that I had chosen over the years
Wishing that I could take back the time I had spent in tears
As I stand, it is your love that has finally captured my heart
Pulling me towards yourself and the joy that you brought

I walk,
Being pulled slowly toward you each day and night
Even with the worldly pleasures so close, I keep trying to see your light.
Walking takes every ounce of energy I have as I lose focus on my goal
And when I feel like giving up, it is you who covers my life-sized hole
My walk is not straight and I still stumble in my sin as I try to stay on your path
In my self-pity, you remind me that it was your Son that covered me from your wrath
I have learned to see you through the fog of my short life on this Earth
So I walk, not by my will, but through yours, as I hear you tell me how much I’m worth

I run,
The trials that you have helped me overcome have given me renewed joy
I see the chains of the past falling away with each link you destroy
The rust was there and all I had to do was entrust it all to you
As I was molded to be free and to see things from your worldview
You have changed me, loved me, disciplined me, and led me through the flame.
And I run to draw nearer to you, as I see that you have loved me all the same.
You are the one that has had the faith in me when it should be the other way around.
And seeing your Son on that cross, I praise you for letting grace abound

I sprint,
So that I will not be entangled by everything that I have left behind me.
It is from these things in my life that I have learned to flee
Your promises of a new birth and new life has given me the joy to carry on
You have become my everything and I know you will be there even when all is gone
I can barely fathom the depth of your love and mercy for me, which is infinite
I do not want to experience the emptiness again without you, even for a minute
I will never stop sprinting towards you, oh Lord
And the goal of eternal life that you have given me, my reward.

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