Friday, June 8, 2018

What Master do you Serve?

I remember it clearly, the days leading up to my final year of undergraduate studies. I had come to my wits end, spending years fighting with God for the control of my life. My life until then was leading nowhere. I thought I knew what would make me happy and give me joy, but it was all empty in the end. Wasn't my belief in Jesus enough? I did not understand why nothing could satisfy me, even though I had tried my best to fill my life with whatever I wanted to do. I fought with God for years and grew tired of the struggle.  It was time for Him to take control, to lead me where He wanted me to go. It was a hard decision at that time and I knew not the plans that God had for me. Though, anything was better compared to the meaningless life I was currently living.

It was shortly after I surrendered my life to God that things started to change. A month into school, God planted the passion on my heart for what His plans for me would be and the path for how I got to where I am today included many miracles. Then, the next month I was tested to respond to God's calling in my life. He told me to go into ministry for a year(which turned into two) and I knew that I had to trust and obey Him. God was guiding me in life so quickly that it was almost as if He had been waiting impatiently for me to just follow Him.

God led me to a place where I would find joy and a passion while also providing me with everything I needed along the way. I have not been without joy, fulfillment in life, lasting friendships, money, food, and peace. There have been hardships and sorrows since then, but the foundation built on Christ kept me from falling under and I have come out of it stronger than before. My only regret was I did not decide to let God be the master of my life sooner. All it took was an understanding that to live a Christian life is not about just believing in Jesus, it is making Him the Lord of your life.

As John the Baptist says, "I must decrease and He must increase". Put God first and be led by the Spirit. There will be no powerful change in your life until this happens first. The Bible will hold no power to you and will not give the life giving words that it contains unless you make God more than just another religion. You must believe that He is real and wants what is best for you; to let Him change you from the inside. Let go of your pride.

As James says in chapter 1 verse 21, "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you." and later in 2:19, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that---and shudder."  Belief in God and in what Jesus did on the Cross is only the beginning. If you sit here and say to yourself that your faith in God is weak or that God isn't there for you, i want to ask you, who is the Lord of your life? God? Or is it still you?  Are you living for Jesus or are you living for yourself?

If you fail to make God your master, you are committing the same sin that Adam and Eve did from the very beginning. They ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because they wanted to be like God. To be the master of their own life. You cannot be the master of your own life and also try to live a life of a Christian. God bought you with a price, and that price was the blood of Jesus on the cross.

In the end, either you want to be like God or you understand that you need God. This is your freedom of choice. Either, you are a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. We all serve a master.

"I am sure most Christians have no conception of the danger and deceitfulness of a thought religion, with sweet and precious thoughts coming to us in books and preaching, and little power. The teaching of the Holy Spirit is in the heart first; man's teaching in the mind. Let all our thinking ever lead us to cease from thought, and to open the heart and will of the Spirit to teach therein His own Divine way, deeper than thought and feeling. Unseen, within the veil, the Holy Spirit abides. Be silent and still, believe and expect, and cling to Jesus."  -Andrew Murray (Holy in Christ)

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